Have you ever seen the etheric cord that connects you to everything on this planet? You may get a glimpse of it every now and again in your most meaningful relationships. When we connect with another person romantically, we activate an energetic cord with them. As we continue through the relationship every interaction, thought, emotion and feeling is added to the cord.
This cord has the ability to share energy and transmit a high frequency of communication, which may explain why we often feel and connect telepathically to our partners thoughts and emotions.
When the cord is healthy, it can create a vibrant, energetic source exchange but when the cord is unhealthy, it can often lead to feeling controlled or drained in energy. Most of us will intuitively know how strong our cord is with someone, but if you are unsure, a good measure is how strongly or how often you think or feel towards someone, especially if the thoughts are obsessive, manipulative or fearful. We are constantly creating cords with many people and even objects, but if you feel drawn back to an unhealthy relationship, or want to break negative patterns or addictions, or feel a strong psychic connection to someone that is draining your energy, a cord cutting ritual may be beneficial.
Especially when it comes to relationships, cutting the cord can help break the energetic attachments created and can help you to move on to receive new opportunities in your life.
Cutting the cord can help you recharge your energy, feel a sense of peace, can help you let go and can bring about new, positive opportunities.